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The sharing of my studies

Earlier this year, my wife and I decided that it was time for me to stop talking about going to seminary and to actually do it. Instead of just thinking about it, I finally acted. As I got into the middle of it, I found it so encouraging and challenging to my faith. It taught me things I never knew or dreamed of knowing. It was also very humbling as I learned more about God and His great grace towards us. It humbled me in the way I saw myself and the way I need to treat others better.

I wrestled with doubt as I worked full time and took two demanding online classes. Our lives had to change and adapt to this new way of life. As we used to be able to spend several hours a night watching TV or reading or going for a walk, now we were lucky to just spend one hour together. I went from having my nights and weekends free to having no time to do anything, especially anything fun or exciting. Our lives were changing and only by the grace of God did we get through. Only by God’s grace will we continue to make it as I continue my studies.
This time strengthened us and challenged us. It made us remember what is important. As much as we like a comfortable lifestyle, God reminded us that these lives are not for us or our comfort, but strictly for Him. We want to live for His glory and Oh boy is he driving that home right now.

I would like to share with you some of the projects I worked on in an effort to share what I learned. Not everything may be applicable to everyone or even interesting, but my hope and prayer is that it will bring glory to God. That this sharing of information will offer insight into the things I learned. I am excited to share the projects I worked on and am currently working on. I hope this journey will lead us into a deeper spiritual awareness of how great God is.