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About Us

Our goal in writing this blog is to share with you our own personal journey on this Christian walk of faith. These are some of our main purposes in writing this:

1. Book Reviews – Both of us love to read Christian books and have come across quite a few good ones. One of the things we really want to share with you is what we find important and stands out to us as we read these books. We are by no means book critics or have any great theological knowledge to debate grand theological issues. We are simply a married couple trying to grow closer to God and know more about Him. Reading Christian books is one of the ways we have been able to grow, see our own sinfulness, learn to seek the Lord and become the servants we are called to be. The point is not to put down any author or discourage people from buying a certain book. We are simply stating our opinion as to what we liked and possibly what we didn’t. But there are so many great books and great authors out there that we just want to share what we are learning or what we liked.

2. Our personal journey – There will be times when we will write about what we are going through. In an effort to truly show and tell you what is on our hearts, there will be posts on the trials and tribulations of our lives. There will also be the joys and celebrations that we are blessed with. Our Lord promised us that this life won’t be easy and it will be filled with trials. As we long for heaven and are thirsty to be with the Source again, we struggle with our own inadequacies. We struggle with all of the plan B’s in this life. But we also get to enjoy the many blessings the Lord bestows on us as we trust Him and live by faith.

3. Community – We hope that as we share our life together with you, that it will be an encouragement to each of you. That it will be a reminder you are not alone in this fight, others are feeling the same thing or going through something similar. We think about the first churches in Acts and how they shared everything. We think about how such deep bonds are formed when you share life together. It is not our intent to depress you with our troubles, but share our struggles with each of you and what God is doing in us and teaching us. Even as we read these books or chapters, we would love to have you go through them with us and share what you thought was important. We may agree or disagree on certain topics, but our plan is to have an environment that is focused on the commandments of Christ to Love God with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Finally, as part of community with you, if you ever need prayer, feel free to send us a message. We would love to pray for you.

4. Podcast – We are starting a new journey of doing a podcast about a passage of Scripture. This podcast will be to inform others of what the passage is saying, the context behind it, and a few takeaways to meditate on throughout the day

Matt’s bio: I am saved by grace, husband to Rachel, and dad to two kids. I have experienced and struggled with male postpartum depression since the birth of my son. God the Father continually gives me grace and strength each day to fight depression and only because of Him can I love my kids and know what a father is supposed to be. I have a bachelors of science in electrical engineering and a Masters of Arts in from Dallas Theological Seminary. I have worked in various companies and industries throughout my career, including serving in various roles in my local church. I have written two books including a children’s book and one about male postpartum depression. Links coming soon.

Many of you will notice that I post my seminary papers and projects on the site. This is not to allow others to cheat, but to share my learnings with the general public and bring awareness to topics that some may not be aware of. If it is helpful in any way for fellow seminarians to use its sources, then I am glad I can help.

We hope you enjoy and welcome you on this journey. Also, we are not the best bloggers as we don’t write every day, please bear with us.