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Starting with My Utmost for His Highest

One of my assignments for a spiritual life class I am in is to read the book “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers. After I read a daily passage, I am to write a single paragraph on what I learned about that particular day. I am to examine that daily devotional and describe how it has affected me, what I learned and what applications I can take from it.

I have completely and thoroughly enjoyed this book by Chambers and see why it has stayed around so long. Even though I wrote it in a personal format, I am going to share with you my experiences. I am not sharing it because I think I can write it better than Chambers because I can’t, but mainly to describe what God has taught me through this powerful book. It has been amazing how God has used it to teach me in a time that has been difficult and very much needed.

Thus, I will start posting what I am learning and my personal thoughts on it. Follow along if you already have the book or if not, I would highly suggest picking this book up to read on a daily basis to spend some time with God. Sometimes they are more personal that how they may apply to you, but that daily devotional has had profound impacts on me.