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Scripture memorization challenge

In an attempt to sow better seeds in my life, I have started to make a habit out of memorizing at least one verse every weekday. I am not quite sure how I came to this conclusion, but I felt although God was telling me to be better at hiding His Word in my heart. I kept being reminded of Scripture being our only offensive weapon against the attacks from Satan. Through the Spirit, God has given us a full armor for defense against the thousands of attacks we face daily.

But, He has given us also a key weapon to combat these forces…The sword of the Spirit. His very Word. In my everyday life, I am attacked in what seems like a thousand different ways moment by moment. Yet, when I face these challenges, or attacks, I try all too often to do it all on my own. I try to rely on my strength. I try to “will” the attacks away. While I may have one or two victories, on my own I simply fail. The daily battle that I face on my own is marked with defeat. But God reminds me and each of us that those who are saved, those who believe in the Almighty and the magnificent gift of Jesus, He has made us more than conquerors.

So, simply put there are many things that I need to do. One, rely on Him. I need to be completely dependent on Him. Realizing that the only way that I have breath, is because He has allowed it at that very moment by His amazing grace.

But another thing is that when these attacks come, I want to be able to remember what God has said in His Word. I want to stand firm on these truths to recall in moments of doubt and pain. Another important reason is just the simple and sweet reminders of who our God is. His magnificent qualities. His abilities. Who exactly He is (or as much as my feeble my can understand about the infinite God).

As I have read and memorized more Scripture, the verses have come alive in me to remind me of what God has called us to do (to go and bear fruit) and that apart from Him, we can do nothing. I am reminded that God has a purpose for us and chose us. So as I read these Scriptures and try to memorize them, I have roots starting to form in me.

I can’t honestly tell you why I never made it much of a priority to memorize Scripture before now. There would be a verse here or there throughout my days, but not much. When I was growing up, it was a requirement of my school to memorize a verse a week. Now, I wish I could only remember those now.

I hope you join me on this journey as I share with you the verses I am memorizing. I hope you also take this challenge to plant the good seeds of Scripture in your heart. I hope that as we memorize these verses, that we will be able to recall them at those times when we need it. Although, God has a funny way of working in us to make those verses come alive and be more impactful than we may ever have thought. What an amazing God and an amazing plan.