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Readers have been graced with my husband’s writing so far on this side of our blogging world, and you’re probably better off for it. I’m not as eloquent nor do I convey as much feeling as my husband does in his writing. But, I thought I’d give it a try.

There have been quite a few things I’ve been thinking about, spiritually speaking, of course that I’ve thought about maybe writing a piece about here or there. But, all of those random thoughts can be put under the umbrella of the Lord’s promises to us.

It seems that through the Scripture I’ve been reading little promises and tidbits of truth seem to jump out at me each day. While there isn’t a general theme about the promise, I have noticed day after day that there are promises even the smallest verses or sections that I’ve been reading.

Our God is so good that He makes promises to His people everywhere. How beautiful is that?

He promises to answer me.

He promises to help me.

He promises He will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life.

He has mercy on us.

He has redeemed us, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

He has freed us from sin.

He has given us the Spirit to live by and be led by.

I’ve been reading in two separate places of the Bible (Psalms and Galatians) during my quiet times with the Lord. These promises come from both places, and I just love how different sections of the Bible, regardless of the writer or the context, are obvious about how God’s promises prevail.

These truths grab at you. And that reminds me of who I am in Christ, something I am so thankful for. When I get in pity parties or tough spots in life, I exactly need these promises. And, to think that these few lines are not even the half of it—what a great thing to rejoice in!