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Personal and Ministerial Application from “The Future of Justification”

As critiquing another person’s work or beliefs is never easy, I believe Piper does an admirable job in responding with his reformed beliefs about justification and defending the gospel as a whole. While the book is in firm opposition to the theories proposed by N. T. Wright, it is never slanderous or condemning. I appreciate how Piper takes the time to defend a fellow brother in Christ from unjust criticism. Throughout the book, the reader is able to see that Piper is not out to attack Wright, but to represent him as truthfully as possible, so that Piper is able to accurately assess Wright’s views and respond accordingly. I was amazed at reading the chapter on dealing with controversy within a Christian framework. The way Piper humbly opened the book to discuss the importance of these issues and his concern for the church was honestly remarkable. Within the Christian community, there are many members that disagree with others. What Piper does in this book shows how to respectfully disagree with a brother without calling him a heretic or slandering him. This way of thinking not only provides a course of action for dealing with conflict inside the Christian community, but outside as well. We should all do a better job in understanding the opposing viewpoints as Piper did by examining what is truly said and believed. In doing so, we will have a better understanding where the disagreements arise and how to address those issues.

Throughout the pages of the book, the reader can see Piper’s concern for truthful teaching for the church so that they will not be misled. He reminds the reader that right and proper teaching is vitally important for the Christian community. He warns the community that it is a slippery slope down the path of wrong teaching. He calls the teachers to action to equip the saints for right living and to be thankful for what God has done in and through Christ.

Of all the ideas that were mentioned in this book, I come back to why Christians are to live. As Piper reminds the reader that God’s glory is our goal and as God is concerned with upholding His glory, so should His children. This book calls its readers to be thankful for the righteousness that God provided through Christ. Regardless of one’s perspective, as a Christian, I am thankful for what Jesus did and the righteousness that is provided for me. I am encouraged through this book to do all things for the glory of God. In addition, as I live for God’s glory, I am to do it dependent on the Spirit because the only way God will be glorified is by Him in my life. The only way that the fruits of the Spirit will be shown and my faith will bear good works is only by the Spirit.