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May 25 – The Good or the Best?

God has an amazing sense of timing and knowing what is best for me in this world. In my life right now, I feel like there are so many choices that need to be made. Do we move? Do we stay? If we move, where are we to move to? Am I supposed to get a normal job? If so, for how long? Am I seeking after my kingdom or am I seeking after God’s? Simply, am I doing God’s will which is the best for me? Or am I doing what I think is best or what I think God wants me to do? At this point in my life, Chambers’ first sentence strikes me because I feel like there are fascinating and gratifying possibilities in front of me. I really wanted the Whole Foods job, but in this moment, I am not sure if God wants that for me because it may not be what is best. It is amazing to have a right or freedom to choose, but what a great reminder that the life of faith waives that right and lets God make those choices for me. God, I willingly waive my rights that you would lead me down your paths and guide me in your truths (PS 25:5). God will allow us to get to a place where our own welfare is the most appropriate choice, if we were not life the life of faith. But a life of faith leads to the waiving of your rights and allows God to make choices for you. Through this discipline, God will transform the natural into spiritual through obedience. Holy Father, grant me strength to always submit to Your best, Your choosing, Your ways. I want to be obedient to You. While I feel lured by fancy things of this world, titles, success, money; help me to always seek after You with all my heart. Rejoice with others success and be happy and joyful and the spiritual You bring. “Whenever our right becomes the guiding factor of our lives, it dulls our spiritual insight. The greatest enemy of the life of faith in God is not sin, but good choices which are not quite good enough. The good is always the enemy of the best.” I am all too often guided by what I think is best or right. I forget to consider God in these choices. How amazing our independence takes away from a greater, more satisfying life with Christ. It amazes me that not even sin is our greatest enemy, but our own selves. The choices we make have profound repercussions on future events that we cannot even imagine. Every choice leads to a different path, yet God in His infinite wisdom is able to know all of that. He is even able to correct and get us back on the right path. God, make my choices and help me to always depend on you to choose Your best, not my “good.” We do not grow spiritually because we make decisions based on our rights or our wisdom. What greater things lie before us when we rely on God to make those choices. I pray that each of us, especially me, would learn to walk according to the standard which has its eyes focused on God. May we walk faithfully and blameless before Him.