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May 22 – The Explanation for Our Difficulties

It never dawned on me that a time of isolation could be an answer to Jesus’ prayer that we “may be one” with the Father as Jesus is. My independence is always trying to take me from being one with the Father. It causes me to not be “helping God to answer that prayer….” I am instead seeking my own goals. Chambers reminds me that in John 17, God’s purpose is not just to answer our prayers, “but that through prayer we might come to discern His mind.” Oh that my prayer life might be like that. That it may be so vital and dynamic and intimate with God that I am able to discern His Will. The prayer that God will answer is that of Jesus that we may be one just as Christ and the Father are one. How I pray that I may be close to Jesus like that. In this time of uncertainty about the future, Chambers reminds me that “God is not concerned about our plans.” He doesn’t ask if we want to go through different difficulties, yet allows these trials to happen to us for “His own purpose.” The things we go through are either making us better or they are going to make us more critical and judgmental, and more independent on our own way. They can make us more evil or godlier, depending on our relationship with God and how personal it is. I choose to be more “saintly” but my human nature gets the best of me and I take my eyes of the only One who can guide me through this time. If we truly believe and pray that God’s Will be done, we will receive encouragement and comfort according to John 17, “knowing that our Father is working according to His own wisdom, accomplishing what is best.” What an amazing thought! That even in the depths and despair of calamities and feeling all alone, we can hold on to the fact that God is working in His infinite wisdom to give us the very best. He knows what is best for us. I focus too much on my own little kingdom while God is preparing me for His big kingdom. Understanding God’s purpose will lead us to focusing on the bigger picture and not being cynical. I am so thankful that Christ prayed that we would be one with God. Yet, as I think about that statement I am racked with guilt because my life has been lived exactly the opposite. I have lived apart and disconnected from the Source of all life. Oh but the great joys of God’s amazing grace. What a great reminder that Chambers leaves us with when he says that “God will not leave us alone until we are one with Him…” because He is answering Jesus’ prayer. In this time, may God bring us near and may we depend on Him. May we seek His will, not ours.