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May 20 – taking Possession of our own Soul

God, I just pray that you would keep forming my mind and maturing me. I pray that you may be expressed in and through me. Luke 21:19 could also be said to stand firm and you will win life. I don’t want to stand at the entrance gate of Christian life, I want that life that is being created and built In accordance with the life Christ has placed within me. I am all too guilty of not living the way you made me Lord. I blame things on Satan more than truly examining my life. Create in me a new nature and heart. Awaken me to the truth that I may be new. How do I kick my bad mood out of my life Lord? I am so guilty of listening and being controlled by my mood. The same with tiredness and hunger. My physical, fleshly self controls me more than I let you sit on the throne. Even in the midst of a decent day, my mood can quickly change and the whole day or night is ruined. Oh but I thank you for your grace. Thank you for loving someone like me who just listens to the wrong thing. Help me in this struggle Lord to turn to you and not submit to my mood any longer. I know it is a constant battle, but you have made me a conqueror. “The Christian life is one of spiritual courage and determination lived out in our flesh.” I don’t want to live by saying I won’t. You give me the strength to be able to do what I am unable to do. By you, I won’t submit to my mood. My soul is yours. May you be seen in me!