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May 19 – “Out of the Wreck I Rise”

How appropriate that I read this today. In the midst of all the calamities and stresses of life comes the reminder that God silences logic. That whatever we are faced with, we do not do it alone, but God promises that He will be with us in the trouble (PS 91:15). God does not keep us from troubles and adversities, but reminds us that nothing can separate us from His love. We are and always will be His child and these adversities should drive us closer to Him. As God leads us through these trials, through the hurt and the pain, God has made us more than conquerors. We are “super-victors” in these times. This is not because we pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps or our own ingenuity, nor is it because of our courage, but only because of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Tribulation is never welcomed and it may be exhausting, irritating or weakening but it will never separate us from God and His love for us. “Never allow tribulations or the ‘cares of this world’ to separate you from remembering that God loves you.” That even in this time of personal conflict and confusion about the future, God loves you so much that He has a plan for you. He is going to do something so extraordinary in this situation that only He gets the glory. He is with you now and will lead you through this desert of confusion. You may not know where to go or what the right decision is, but trust God and trust also in Jesus. God, help me in my unbelief. In distress, God’s love never fails and continues to be constant. When no one else says He loves me, God’s love is there for me. In our famine, He feeds us. It may not be with the food we expect, but He does feed us. “Some extraordinary thing happens to someone who holds on to the love of God when the odds are totally against him.” Watch, be still and see what God does as the odds are stacked against you.