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May 17 – His Ascension and Our Access

There is nothing in all of this world that we can do or experience that compares with the Lord’s life after the transfiguration. From that moment on, His life was completely substitutionary. After this moment, Gethsemane, the Cross, the resurrection is something unfamiliar to us. The way we enter into a life of God is through the doorway of the Cross. His resurrection gives Him the right to give eternal life to anyone, and His ascension opens the door for humanity. If Jesus had gone alone from the Mount of Ascension/Transfiguration, He would have gone alone and would just be a glorious figure to us. Yet He gave up His glory for us! He did that so that He could identify Himself with fallen humanity. Chambers says, “The ascension is the complete fulfillment of the transfiguration.” He returned to His original glory not simply as the Son of God but also as the Son of Man. Because of this, there is freedom for us to access and come before the throne of God. As the Son of Man, Jesus now has all the power that Chambers says He limited while on earth. He is in full power as the King of kings and Lord of lords ready to help us and be glorified in us.