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May 16 – The Habit of Recognizing God’s Provision

It is amazing we can share God’s own nature through His promises. The hard step for me is working that into my nature but it can be done by developing godly habits. Lord help me to do that! The first habit is that of recognizing God’s provision. Many times I take the glory from god by saying how I barely got by in a day. But God gave all of Himself in Jesus whom He gave us and encourages us to depend on. Our obedience to him will cause Christ to go through so much just to reach us. Do not be full of self-pity or live in the depths of misery, for then you cannot enter the riches of His provisions. Self-pity removes God from the throne of our lives replacing Him with our own self-interest. We then can only complain and all we do is then just take and never give. Never being satisfied in God’s glorious and rich provisions. Then we are not lovely or generous. We must learn and recognize that God is our Source, not look to wealth or stature. Put your faith in God, not in counterfeit gods. May the majesty, grace and power of God be exhibited in all of us. Chambers says that we are responsible if it is not. God help me learn to lavish your grace on others, being generous to give myself to others. “Be marked and identified with God’s nature, and His blessing will flow through you all the time.”