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A Prayer for fearless words

Ephesians 6:19 – Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,

Every time I have come across this verse, it has stood out to me. I start praying that for myself. I pray that God will give me the words to speak. I pray also for the boldness and courage to speak up, let alone speak those God given words. But what I forget to do all too often is pray for other believers, especially pastors, preachers and missionaries, to be given those words to speak. On a rare occasion I might pray for them, but all too often I take what they are about to say in a church service for granted. These are the people who we should be praying for so much, which probably relates more to verse 18 when it says to pray for other believers.

But, for some reason, it hit me that I need to be more intentional about praying for our church leaders, our churches, the missionaries around the world to be open to what God is telling them to say. And to say those words. Fearlessly and boldly. But for this verse, it strikes me that Paul shows such humility in asking God for the words to say to people. A man so inspired by God and full of the Spirit showing us what it means to follow Jesus and have a heart like God. As we pray, we seek God. We ask Him for help. We are desiring to have a heart like Him. A heart to be constantly dependent on Him. That is the glimpse I see here in Paul. A man so wise and knowledgeable yet shows his humility and shows us that no matter how much we think we know we will always need words. We will always need our Father in heaven to give us those words that will pertain to that particular person or crowd. Paul shows his reliance and need for God so that God gets all the glory.

All too often I have to be reminded with asking for boldness and words like what is shown here. But Paul doesn’t just leave us this one verse to show us this, but he writes something similar in Colossians 4:2, “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.” So one of my biggest takeaways from Ephesians 6:19 is that each day and probably on a constant basis throughout the day, I need to keep asking God for the words to say when we talk to people. It is weird how God can take a simple conversation and suddenly make it turn into a spiritual one. Sometimes we are caught off guard, sometimes we are intentional, but no matter what we need the words of God.

I think all too often I worry about saying the right words or right things to do in that moment, but what God reminds me of, if I am obedient to Him and do what He asks, it won’t matter what I say. He will work in their heart and let them hear the words they need. Essentially, God is working in them and if I have the blessing to be used as a tool then that is completely awesome. I just pray for the obedience and boldness to do what God asks.

It may be speaking words to reveal the Gospel, but it may also be showing Jesus to them in different ways. God may open doors through ways that we never thought of and it may happen without us saying a word. But to go back to something earlier in Ephesians 6, we must be prepared. Be alert like in verse 18. Keep praying to God for ways to show the Gospel. Keep praying for doors to be open. Persevering in prayer about be used for Kingdom purposes.

What I get reminded of is that God can accomplish so much through someone as weak as I am. The way it will happen will be in ways that He gets the glory. On my own, I will fail, but with the help of God and His strength and power, the impossible is possible. No one is ever too far out of the reach of God.

I pray that we will be alert to different opportunities to share God with those around us. I pray that we will be on fire for a God or at least a spark and that a spark will happen wherever we are. It is a matter of life and death. This is serious business. We need the help of God to make known the mysteries to those around us. While they may be struggling, what an opportunity to point them to the peace and hope in Christ. To show them or help them see there is a God who has a will and nothing is out of his control. While the world is full of chaos, God is our Rock and fortress. He knows us and calls us His children. We can show them, by His boldness, the mystery of why we can be called righteous and justified. That there is hope in the salvation of Christ.

So on this day, I pray that you and I and all the brothers and sisters in Christ may proclaim the Gospel and all its mysteries to the lost. Our friends. Our families. Our neighborhoods. Our work places. Our cities. Our states. Wherever. God is with you. Get out of His way and let Him work in and through you. He will give you what you need. Ask Him! Just ask your Father and He will provide. Satan will attack but pray for boldness. I hope we will all have the boldness and courage we need. I know that I need it. Pray for me as Paul said. I pray for you that we may declare the Gospel to those around us. I pray that our lives may be examples of Christ. I pray that we will show and share and be willing to share what God has done. By the grace of God, it can be done. God we need you, help us as only you can to be strong and faithful. Help us O Lord to make known these mysteries. We need you Father! We need you in all things. Give us words, your words. Help us that you get the glory. Not for ours, but all for your glory. Amen.