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25 observations about Acts 1:8

One of the crucial aspects in Bible interpretation is observation. This is the process in which one turns into an investigator, or P.I., and asks the who, what, when, where, why and how. All of the answers to these questions leads one to having a proper interpretation on Scripture. As one has a better observation, and interpretation, it will make the application of Scripture and correlation to ones life that much easier. Observation is key, not only in life but in biblical interpretation.

Observing Acts 1:8

Acts 1:8 (NASB)

“but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”

  1. “But” is a contrastive conjunction indicating a continuation from the previous text.
  2. “You” is the object of who will receive power.
  3. “Will” is the main verb, future tense.
  4. “Power” describes what will be given from the Holy Spirit.
  5. “When” is a conjunction indicating the time of receiving power.
  6. “The” is a definite article describing “Holy Spirit”; the focus of the one bringing power.
  7. “Holy Spirit” is the direct object of the main verb of this clause indicating who will give the power.
  8. The Holy Spirit brings the power to be a witness
  9. “Has” is a third person singular verb indicating the Holy Spirit.
  10. “Upon you” is the direct object of “has come” indicating the direct action of who will receive power from the “Holy Spirit”.
  11. “You” is the object on who the Holy Spirit will come upon.
  12. “And” is a coordinating conjunction joining the two clauses and indicating the purpose for receiving the power of the Spirit.
  13. “Shall” is the main verb of the dependent clause, future tense.
  14. “My” is a first person possessive pronoun indicating who is speaking.
  15. “Witnesses” is plural indicating that there is more than one witness.
  16. “Witnesses” is a command from the one speaking to testify to others about the speaker.
  17. “Both” is an adjective describing that two places are being referred to, not just one or the other.
  18. “In” is a preposition indicating the location where the objects will be witnesses.
  19. “All” is a pronoun describing every part of the two regions.
  20. Three specific places are mentioned in this verse (Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria).
  21. “And” is a conjunction that joins the specific areas of the previous clause with the clause to remote parts of the earth.
  22. “Even” is an adverb that indicates the witnesses are to go beyond those places.
  23. “Remotest” is an adjective describing the command to the witnesses to go to all populations regardless of location.
  24. “Earth” describes the whole world as opposed to the heaven or heavens.
  25. The cause of receiving power is the Holy Spirit coming upon the witnesses.
  26. The result of the Holy Spirit coming is power to be witnesses in the remotest parts of the earth.