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10 Observations from Acts 1:6-11

The purpose of this assignment is to make at least ten observations from the section of Acts 1:6-11. The point is to not only enhance your observation techniques but to see how a section of Scripture can all tie together. It is to see a specific verse in the greater context.

Acts 1:6

So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?”

  1. “They” alludes to the “men of Galilee” mentioned in verse 11.
  2. “Lord” refers to Jesus because the “two men in white” say “this Jesus” in verse 11.
  3. The “men of Galilee” are only focused on Israel.
  4. By asking Jesus the question, the “men of Galilee” are thinking of an earthly kingdom.
  5. “They were asking Him” indicates that the whole group was interested in this question, not just one or two people.
  6. “Come together” indicates they had been apart or separated and not seen been together as a group in while.
  7. “Restoring” indicates that the kingdom was taken away or destroyed.
  8. “The Kingdom” indicates a certain kingdom with a certain purpose.
  9. “You are” indicates that the “men of Galilee” recognized his authority and power to restore the kingdom if Jesus wanted to.
  10. “Lord” indicates that they saw Jesus as a ruler or king.
  11. “Lord” indicates that they saw themselves as servants of Jesus.

Acts 1:7

He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority;

  1. “Has fixed” indicates that “the Father” set or secured an exact date.
  2. “The Father has fixed by His own authority” indicates that He knows the exact date of the restoration.
  3. “Times or epochs” is plural indicating future events.
  4. “Not for you to know” indicates that Jesus doesn’t want them to worry about the date or when the kingdom will come.
  5. “He said to them” indicates that Jesus has the ability to speak.
  6. “By His own authority” indicates He has ultimate power and decision.
  7. “Father” is capitalized indicating that it is a proper name or title.
  8. “Know” indicates the information or awareness of the time.
  9. “Own” is used with the possessive “His” to emphasize that “authority” belongs to “the Father”.
  10. There are three characters in the verse: “them” refers to the “men of Galilee”, “He” refers to “Jesus”, and “the Father”.
  11. “It” refers to the “restoring” of “the kingdom” mentioned in verse 6.

Acts 1:8

but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”

  1. “But” is a contrastive conjunction indicating a continuation from the previous text.
  2. The Holy Spirit brings the power to be a witness.
  3. Three specific places are mentioned in this verse (Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria).
  4. “Remotest” is an adjective describing the command to the witnesses to go to all populations regardless of location.
  5. The result of the Holy Spirit coming is power to be witnesses in the remotest parts of the earth.
  6. The Holy Spirit has not yet come upon them.
  7. Jerusalem is mentioned first.
  8. “My witnesses” indicates that they belong to Jesus.
  9. The goal of the verse is to empower the “men of Galilee” to go be witnesses all over the earth.
  10. “When the Holy Spirit has come upon you” refers to an event that will happen.
  11. The Holy Spirit has the authority or the ability to give power.
  12. “Will receive” is a transitive verb clause that indicates the listeners will acquire or come into possession of power.
  13. “Power” in this verse indicates the strength, words, wisdom to be a witness for Jesus.
  14. “Part” is singular and the direct object of the word “remotest” to indicate a location.
  15. “Holy” indicates that the Spirit is divine.

Acts 1:9

And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.

  1. “Looking on” indicates they observed Jesus being “lifted up”.
  2. “After” is a preposition to indicate the time following Jesus speaking.
  3. “These things” indicates the sayings in verses seven and eight.
  4. “Was” is used in the third person passive with the pronoun “He” to indicate the subject of who was being “lifted up”.
  5. “Lifted” indicates being raised from a lower position to a higher position.
  6. “Up” indicates the direction of being lifted.
  7. “While” is a conjunction indicating that Jesus was being “lifted up” at the same time as they were “looking on.
  8. “Out of their sight” reiterates that the “men of Galilee” were able to watch Jesus ascend but now they could see Him no longer.
  9. “A cloud” indicates a certain, specific singular cloud.
  10. The result of Jesus saying “these things” is him being lifted up.
  11. “Received” indicates that the cloud accepted Him or was given Jesus.
  12. The independent clause is “He was lifted up while they were looking on”.
  13. “And” is a coordinating conjunction that joins the independent clause with the dependent clause.

Acts 1:10

10 And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them.

  1. “While He was going” indicates that it wasn’t a quick ascension, it took some time. He didn’t just vanish.
  2. “Intently” indicates that Jesus’ ascension had their full and earnest attention.
  3. “As” is a correlating conjunction indicating that while they were looking and Jesus was ascending the “two men in white” appeared.
  4. “Two” gives the exact number of “men in white clothing” that appeared.
  5. “Men” indicates the gender of these visitors.
  6. “Into the sky” refers to where they were gazing.
  7. “Behold” indicates that they saw and observed these “two men” in a sudden and remarkable way.
  8. “White” indicates the color of their clothing.
  9. “Clothing” indicates that these visitors were wearing clothes and the “men of Galilee” could see that it was clothing.
  10. “Stood beside” indicates that the “men of Galilee” were also standing.
  11. “Beside” indicates the where they were standing.

Acts 1:11

11 They also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.”

  1. “Heaven” indicates where Jesus went.
  2. “Will come” is the main verb of this sentence representing a future event that is to occur or happen.
  3. These men were also able to speak.
  4. The two men address the group as the “men of Galilee” to refer to those who Jesus addressed, visited and will receive power from the Holy Spirit.
  5. “From you” indicates a closeness, bond and friendship.
  6. This verse brings hope to the “men of Galilee” by telling them that just as they saw Jesus leave them, He will come back.
  7. This verse indicates the “way” that Jesus will return.
  8. The title “Men of Galilee” was given to the group of men, whether they were from there or not.
  9. “Into” indicates the movement of Jesus going to heaven and being surrounded or enclosed by heaven.
  10. “This Jesus” indicates the person the men just talked to and be lifted into heaven.
  11. “Why do you stand looking into the sky?” is a rhetorical question.
  12. “In” represents Jesus entering earth from heaven.